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Day 7 (Community Involvement Day) of Shiksha Saptah @ Cambrian Public School


`We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibres connect us with our fellow men.` Humans are Social animals, and ever since the beginning of the civilization, we have been dependent on each other for our existence. However, the modern times have reduced these interactions between communities. This could be because of many reasons – changes in lifestyles, increasing number of nuclear families, time constraints and the availability of social media.

`The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.` Cambrian Public School, Kanke Road, Ranchi earnestly took up on the activities suggested for Day 7 of `Shiksha Saptah” (Education Week) – the `Community Involvement Day` on 28th July 2024 (Sunday). It was a special weekend this time at the school, where different community members accepted the school`s invitation to meet and communicate with the enthusiastic students & staff of the school, to together create a valuable change.

The following activities were held on the Community Involvement Day.

Vidyanjali – Introducing the school and the community to Vidyanjali, a school volunteer management program run by the Department of School Education & Literacy under the Ministry of Education, GoI.

  Tithi Bhojan – inviting various community members for a shared Community Lunch program at the school (children were taught the values of sharing, caring and the importance of healthy nutritious foods).

  Career Counselling – Career Counsellors were invited from various fields to have a community interaction with the students.

  Creation of Wall of Fame in the school.

  Gratitude Letters – for the volunteers from the community.

  Community Awareness – Rallies & Poster making on `Vidyanjali`.

  Assembly Talk – by the students and teachers about the `Vidyanjal`` program.

  PMeVidya Channels – telecasting the channels at school for the students and the parents. Educating parents about the same for easy access at home to enable efficient learning environment for the children even at home.

`One of the marvellous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we could not as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work responsibility, we can welcome many people, even those in deep distress, and perhaps help them find self-confidence and inner healing.` Principal, Dr. Neeta Pandey on conclusion of Shiksha Saptah said that, the whole program was a great step towards connecting our students to the community at large and creating a bigger picture of education as an integrated process of cross-curricular and community extended system. She added that it needs to be a continuous effort both from the side of schools as well as community, to strongly stick to the path laid down by the Ministry of Education, GoI, through the `Shiksha Saptah` initiative.