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Day 6 of Shiksha Saptah @ Cambrian Public School


To fulfill our duties towards the only home that we`ve got - our planet, the 6th day of Shiksha Saptah (Education Week) was observed as `Eco Clubs for Mission Life Day` at Cambrian Public School, Kanke Raod, Ranchi on 27th July 2024 (Saturday).

The UN`s goal to achieve the sustainable developmental goals wants us to be a part of the change desperately needed to take care of our planet and community. The initiative of creating `Eco Clubs for Mission Life` at school level, is a small step towards achieving the same goals. Our culture and scriptures have all talked about the relationship of nature and humans, the dependency of one on the other, and to protect, preserve & create a balance in co-existence.

To engage students across all stages in meaningful and age appropriate environment friendly activities, `Eco Club for Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)` was formed at Cambrian Public School, through proper notification as guided by the Ministry of Education, Government of India and NEP 2020.

The day was also utilised for a plantation drive, inside and around the school premises. This unique plantation drive – `Plant4Mother`, involved the students and their mothers coming together to plant saplings and make their small contributions towards creating a greener and fresher tomorrow. The children also planted saplings at their homes and around the areas near their homes.

A Session was conducted for the students and parents to create awareness about the critical environmental issues like deforestation, pollution, resource depletion, climate change, damaging of the ozone layer etc.

`Human civilisations have been around for a paltry 12,000 years – barely a few seconds on the geological clock. In that short amount of time, we`ve managed to create quite a ruckus, etching our dominance over Nature with our villages, towns, cities and megacities.` If now we don`t act towards Environment protection, it might just get too late.

The Thirukkural declares that `sparkling water, open space, hills and forests constitute a fortress` (that is, our defense and protection) – and indeed these tiny steps taken by each one of us would create a difference and help us build our fortress stronger and stronger.

The Principal, Dr. Neeta Pandey thanked all the community and staff members for their contributions in making the plantation drive a success. She encouraged the members of the `Eco Club` to actively work towards achieving the set goals and targets and creating awareness among the community regarding maintaining the `Ecological Balance`..